2013年11月3日 星期日

寒武紀海洋中的鯊魚─奇蝦(Anomalocaris canadensis)


寒武紀海洋中的鯊魚─奇蝦(Anomalocaris canadensis)

    澳洲南方的袋鼠島(Kangaroo Island)2011年發現了一具異常清晰的奇蝦化石,清晰到複眼上有多少個小眼(ommatidia)都能數得分明(3.)

1. 一具異常清晰的奇蝦化石,由一組John Paterson博士領導的國際考古團隊,發現於澳洲南方的袋鼠島(Kangaroo Island)Emu Bay頁岩中。

2. 澳洲南方的袋鼠島(Kangaroo Island)

3. 奇蝦的複眼化石,相當清晰。



    很多學過生命科學的網友都曉得:達爾文的演化論的主軸是天擇說(Natural Selection)─物種的存在是經過天擇的結果,「物競天擇,適者生存」,無法適應環境的物種就被淘汰。可是反觀奇蝦─寒武紀海洋中最大的掠食者。身長超過60公分,甚至出土自中國的奇蝦的標本超過2公尺!而當時其他的海中動物,不管是伯吉斯頁岩的動物群或澄江動物群,少有體型長過10公分的動物。也就是說奇蝦(Anomalocaris)是當時海洋群集(community)中的最適者,結果卻被時間的洪流淘汰了?



4.幾種動物複雜的複眼(Complex compound eyes.)

(a) Isolated fossil compound eye with more than 3000 lenses belonging to an unknown arthropod from the early Cambrian Emu Bay Shale on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Scale bar: 1 mm (0.04 in.); bz = bright zone, an area of the visual field with increased light sensitivity (as a result of larger lenses) and possibly higher acuity. (b) The compound eye of a living predatory arthropod, the robberfly Laphria rufifemorata, which also possesses a bright zone (bz). Scale bar: 0.5 mm (0.02 in.).

(c) The stalked eye of 奇蝦Anomalocaris from the Emu Bay Shale showing the transition between the visual surface and the stalk (arrows). Scale bar: 2 mm (0.08 in.).

(d) Enlargement of lenses in the eye of 奇蝦Anomalocaris. Scale bar: 0.3 mm (0.012 in.).


5. Anomalocaris eyes from the Emu Bay Shale.

a–   d, Eye pair, SAM P45920a, level 10.4m.

a, b, Overview and camera lucida drawing. Scale bars, 5mm. Grey fill in b represents visual surface, the proximal part in the upper eye extrapolated from the lower eye.

c, Detail of ommatidial lenses located by horizontal white box in a. Scale bar, 1mm.

d, More complete eye, showing transition between visual surface and eye stalk (white arrows). Scale bar, 2mm. e, Detail of ommatidial lenses in counterpart SAM P45920b. Scale bar, 0.3mm. es, eye stalk; I.c., Isoxys communis; us, undetermined structure; vs, visual surface. Tilted white box in a represents area analysed using SEM-EDS, with elemental maps shown in Fig. 2a.

6. 遠在寒武紀的奇蝦,居然能擁有16,000個小眼組成的複眼。

FromPaterson JR, Garcia-Bellido DC, Lee MSY, Brock GA, Jago JB & Edgecombe GD. 2011. Acute vision in the giant Cambrian predator Anomalocaris and the origin of compound eyes. Nature 480, 237-240.


